Are You Becoming A Boiled Frog?

There is a famous experiment that was performed over and over again in Jr. High schools up until the mid 1970’s. In fact, many people in our practice may have participated in it themselves! It was called “The Boiled Frog” experiment.
This is how the experiment went. First, a frog was dropped into a pot of boiling water. This was such a drastic change in temperature for the frog that he jumped out immediately.
Then, the same frog was placed into a pot of slightly warm water. Next, a burner was turned on under the pot. In this part of the experiment, the frog stayed put. Even as the temperature of the water got hotter and hotter, he didn’t move. The rising temperature didn’t seem to bother it in the least.
As the water temperature approached the boiling point, the frog seemed to sense that something was wrong, but it still didn’t move. Finally, as the water boiled, the frog died.
You see, being cold blooded, the frog’s body compensated for the rising temperature of the water. But, these changes happened slowly enough that the frog was virtually unaware that they were even occurring. When it finally got to the point where the frog’s body was trying to warn it that something was wrong, it was too late for it to act, and it died.
“So?” you’re saying, “How does this relate to me? After all, the title of this article is “Are You Becoming A Boiled Frog?”
Well, we are all exposed to destructive forces in the form of physical, chemical and emotional stresses every day. If these stresses are beyond our ability to adapt, they overwhelm our nerve systems. Since our nerve systems control every function in our bodies, we end up with dysfunction to some degree in many different areas. As the dysfunction continues, destructive changes occur in these same cells, tissues and organs slowly over time. They occur so slowly, in fact, that we might not notice that they are even occurring!
In other words, we are just like boiling frogs!
The good news is that we all have within us an innate wisdom or “Intelligence” that can help us adapt to all the stresses we encounter. But, it does much more than that! It also helps us heal any damage that has been occurring over time. And, best of all, when this “Life Force” is allowed to flow freely between your brain and all the cells of your body, you will have the opportunity to continue to grow and unfold into whatever you were ultimately meant to be in your life! Your Genetic Potential
The key here is that you must be free of nerve interference in order for that Intelligence to flow, and so must everyone else.
By maintaining a chiropractic lifestyle for your and your family, you can be sure that nobody in your family is becoming a boiled frog! Cafe of Life offers a variety of plans for families and individuals to help you continue on a wellness lifestyle. Visit us online at or give us a jingle at 303-953-9942 to schedule a free consultation. At the Cafe we are help to help you live a more active, healthier and longer life.